Meraki Switching 5 Years for the price of 1

Meraki Switching 5 Years for the price of 1

Check out our brand new switch licensing promotion for 5 years of smooth sailing.

From now until 7/30/16, first time Meraki Switch customers are eligible for a special promotion: buy any MS Switch with a 1-year cloud management license, and get automatically upgraded to a 5-year license at no additional cost. That’s 4 years on us!

It’s the perfect time to try out the intelligent MS Switching solution. This is a limited time offer, and intended to give more customers the opportunity to see the immense gain in functionality and cost savings Meraki switches can offer an organization of any size.

Join the Meraki switching family to experience fantastic visibility, remote management, live troubleshooting, and more. As with all Meraki licenses, you’ll also benefit from new feature updates pushed to your network at no additional cost. Not only will your network sail smoothly for 5 years, it’ll be even better than when you first set it up.

Detailed terms and conditions apply and are available here (US/LATAM/CA) and here(EMEAR).

Questions? Email info@

By |2016-12-07T07:20:54-08:00February 23rd, 2016|Categories: Meraki|0 Comments

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